The process of making your custom product
Proactive Stock Control
We make sure you’ll never run out of stock.
The larger the production badges the lower the cost. Therefor it’s often beneficial to opt for a larger volume. We’re here to help you plan as efficiently as possible, taking into account your circulation and turnover time to define when to schedule our production runs. Since many of our customers used to run out of storage space, we’re offering a safe space in our warehouse. And, after agreeing on a minimum and maximum, we’ll even keep an eye on your buffer stock / safety stock.
You’ll receive your products exactly when and where you need them.
When it comes to logistics, flexibility is key. Our trusted partners can quickly and securely ship your products worldwide. Of course you might also opt for organising pickup yourself, in which case a friendly Multidop face will happily help your courier out on weekdays between 7am and 5pm.